The 'Little Things' bundle offers enhancements within your system that do-away with lengthy process setups and the high costs associated with implementation - all designed to give you a simple, hassle-free way to make your solution work better for you. On this page, we want to tell you all about the bundle and the value it can bring to your organization - watch our demos or download the factsheets to find out more.
Introducing a new model for digital transformation maturity and future readiness

Take the Business Future Index Maturity Benchmark
Measure your strategic balance between profitability, productivity, and people.See how you measure up
The Business Future Index Report
Check out the following infographics to learn what our recent research shows about how a strong people strategy, workplace culture, and digital transformation agenda improves talent retention, skillsets, and financial performance.
Interactive Ebook: Rebalancing your priorities after a period of tumultuous change
In the last two years, businesses around the world have focused on profit and productivity to drive sustainability. Agility has been key to ensure resilience, and to navigate through the crisis successfully, but this has meant the question of your people has likely shifted out of focus.
As the world emerges from the pandemic, now is the perfect time to create strategic equilibrium between three key pillars: profit, productivity, and people.
In this eBook we present the Business Future Index and Maturity Model as a new approach to help you track how your organization has performed throughout this period of crisis.