Align operational, strategic, and financial planning
Enhance collaboration with a unified, transparent, and agile solution company wide
ERP with Integrated FP&A vs. Best of Breed
How to choose the right digital FP&A solution for your business

The key benefits of an integrated approach

Improve visibility and decision-making with a single source of trusted data for reporting.

Enhance productivity by standardizing best practices and reducing low-value manual tasks.

Lower operational costs by unifying processes and integrating systems with a single source of the truth.
FP&A - A natural integration with ERP
Organizations are continually looking for a more consistent approach to financial planning and analysis as shaping the future while navigating change becomes increasingly complex. Suite-based consolidated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) & Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) offerings with cloud capabilities can help with this by better aligning core operational data with finance and strategy.

Learn more by downloading our factsheet
Integrating Unit4 ERP with Unit4 FP&A
integrated ERP and FP&A solution.
BARC Planning Survey 2024
With 16 leading positions across 4 different Peer Groups, Unit4 FP&A has once again achieved a great set of results in BARC’s annual Planning Survey. Strong ratings in several important KPIs help to consolidate our position as a market-leading CPM platform that delivers considerable benefits to its customers.

The perils of Excel
Learn why modern cloud-based FP&A solutions are proving to be a better and cheaper (in the long run) alternative to Excel.
The 5 most effective budgeting models explained
Take a look at some of the different models and approaches you can use to effectively manage your budget and plan for the future.

Effective Change management across the organization at NRS when successfully connecting HR and Finance.
NRS is going through an operational and digital transformation bring together people planning and analytics, financial planning and reporting, and their existing Unit4 ERP solution in the cloud. Watch the video to lean more!
Note: Magnox Ltd has rebranded and from 31st October 2023 will be known as Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS). Please note that there may still be some references to ‘Magnox’ in the copy written before this date.

View BARC's analyst insight
Compare BARC’s view on FP&A software selection integrated with ERP

Discover Dresner's EPM Results:
Why integrate with Unit4 ERP
What are the benefits?
See what some of our ERP customers with
integrated FP&A have to say

Ninja Ýr Gísladóttir Director of Finance, Reykjavik University
The ERP system has been their single source of truth since 2009, with the addition of FP&A in 2020, which went live in just 6 weeks.

Tyson Ganske Finance Planning Manager, City of Port Moody
Instant budget alignment, compared from 2 weeks, 18% time saving, and monthly budget analysis replacing annual.

Claire Birch
Head of Reporting UK, WSP
Live within 3 months with instant forecasts and faster month end close.

Darren Ward
Senior Finance, Analyst East of England Ambulance Service Trust
6 weeks to Go-Live and 33% faster FP&A!
Increase your planning
and forecasting speed and accuracy
Unit4 ERP – Why integrate with Unit4 FP&A?
Watch this session to learn how connecting operations with strategy via an integrated Unit4 ERP and FP&A solution can help you enhance trust and accelerate decision making.