Moving your on-premise Unit4 Financials by Coda to the Cloud

What are your next steps for a quick, smooth journey? Select your version below to learn all the details that apply to your journey to the Cloud.

Do the Cloud Migration Assessment

This page will guide you on your journey to the Cloud and the specific steps you need to take depending on if you’re currently using Unit4 Financials by Coda v14 and below or Continuous release.

Regardless of your version, your journey will start with a Cloud Migration Assessment, but some parts of the migration path differ between versions and organizations. Select your version below to learn more. Together with your Unit4 account manager, you can outline your organization's migration path based on the assessment so that you can get back to business as usual, in the Cloud, as quickly as possible.

These are the high-level steps you’ll need to follow:

1. Reach out to your account manager
2. Select your version below and learn the details
3. Start your cloud migration assessment

For customers on Unit4 Financials by Coda Continuous release

You’re already on our latest version of Unit4 Financials by Coda! This means that your journey to the Cloud has already started. Before you can take full advantage of the Unit4 Cloud, there are still a few more steps to take. Learn more on this page.


For customers on Unit4 Financials by Coda v.14 and below

If you’re using Unit4 Financials by Coda v.14 or below you’ll experience great benefits from moving to the Cloud – and not only in terms of lower TCO. You’ll also enjoy continuous upgrades and the benefits of having access to our latest technology as soon as it’s available.