You can have 2 lines of title here
Please note: If you want 3 lines of title limit the subtext to 2 lines and if you want 4 lines of title limit the subtext to 1 line.
Read moreTransition to a modern SaaS HR Operation
Unit4 Podcast with Fosway Group
Tune in to discover more!

Tällaisina aikoina meidän pitää pitää huolta toisistamme!
Tarve tavata fyysisesti on suurta ja siksi odotamme aivan erityisesti saavamme tavata sinut Unit4:n asiakas- ja partneritapahtumassa hotelli Scandic Simonkentässä aivan Helsingin keskustassa.
Lupaamme jakaa oppeja, näkemyksiä ja tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Ja tarjoamme tietysti verkostoitumista, hyvää ruokaa ja juomaa. Ilmoitathan itsesi ja kollegasi jo nyt!
Päivän aikana voit seurata seuraavia esityksiä:
Uusimmat uutiset ERP-, ERPx- ja Talent Management-tuotteistamme. Mats Smedjebacka, Solution Director, Unit4
- Pääpuhujana, Jeremias Jansson, Chief Sales Officer, Unit4
- Syväsukellus Unit4 ERPiin - vinkit & kikat, Extension kit & Mesh. Kristjan Vaalberk, Senior Application Consultant ja Pekka Hasunen, Senior Financial Consultant, Unit4
- Asiakkaiden kertomuksia matkasta Unit4:n kanssa - kokemuksia, oppeja, näkökulmia. Jani Rauhala, Group CFO, Comatec Group
- Julkishallinnolle toimitettu HR ratkaisu ja palkkojen lokalisoinnit. Sanna Kaasinen ja Mirva Pahkakangas, System Consultants, Abilita
This element is called General Text 1 after form and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency

This element is called Video-Left
Please note: this element can also hold an image instead of a video! Simply toggle show Left Video off and Show Left Image on and put in the url to your image under Left Image SRC.
Engaging CTAThis element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA
Creating an exceptional employee experience and embracing hybrid working, whilst relying on legacy systems is a huge challenge for HR teams. The pace and complexity of change can be enormous. Achieving success will require a fresh approach, one based on modern technology, with tools that engage employees and boost performance and analytics that enable you to steer your people strategy.

Sven Elbert
Head of Analyst Services, Fosway Group

Rachel Jordan
VP of Product Management, Unit4

Moderator: Heike Wiesner
Growth Director HCM, Unit4

The smart way to share knowledge and impove compliance

The freedom to define and capture all your information in one solution

Dynamic forms
The easiest way to boost your productivity and eliminate paper-
This is element is called Quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias officia iste nemo nobis inventore veritatis earum error, voluptatibus voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen.
Download now

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
- Text 4
- Text 5
- Text 6
- Text 7
- Text 8
- Text 9
- Text 10
- Text 11
- Text 12
Want to learn more? Check out how Unit4 HCM can help.
This element is called General Text 3 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
You can explain a bit more of the speakers here I can adjust the cards height but no more then a couple of lines please :)
This element is called General Text 1 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 2 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 4 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA
This element is called General Text 5 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

Podcast: Have you outgrown your on-premises HCM system?
We will talk about the alignment of technology and business needs, how to keep up with the speed of change in more fluid operating environments, and discuss the transition to a Cloud-based platform.
Podcast 2: Supporting career development and helping your organization grow
Available shortly

This element is called General Text 7 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
This is element is called Quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias officia iste nemo nobis inventore veritatis earum error, voluptatibus voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen.
Download now
This element is called General Text 8 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This is 1 Download with CTA with the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
Download nowThis element is called General Text 9 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 10 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 11 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
- Text 4
- Text 5
- Text 6
- Text 7
- Text 8
- Text 9
- Text 10
- Text 11
- Text 12
This element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA
This element is called General Text 12 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This element is called Video-Left
Please note: this element can also hold an image instead of a video! Simply toggle show Left Video off and Show Left Image on and put in the url to your image under Left Image SRC.
Engaging CTAThis element is called General Text 13 and this is the title in H4
WThis is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 14 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 1-Card
Keep this bodytext short! Only a couple of lines should go here..
CTA 1This element is called General Text 15 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 16 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 17 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 18 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
This is element is called Quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias officia iste nemo nobis inventore veritatis earum error, voluptatibus voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen.
Download now
Other speakers will go here
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 20 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 21 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
- Text 4
- Text 5
- Text 6
- Text 7
- Text 8
- Text 9
- Text 10
- Text 11
- Text 12
This element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA
This element is called General Text 22 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This element is called Video-Left
Please note: this element can also hold an image instead of a video! Simply toggle show Left Video off and Show Left Image on and put in the url to your image under Left Image SRC.
Engaging CTAInterested to learn more?
Please fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you.