How can the cloud support the digital transformation of Higher Ed institutions?

A simple move today makes tomorrow easier.

In the cloud:

Work is efficient and flexible

Make working together easier and everyone instantly more efficient and flexible.

Decision-making is revolutionized

Stay focused on the business of educating your students and make better decisions faster than ever.

Upgrading hurts a lot less

Speed up innovation and digital transformation, and reduce upgrade costs.

Look under the hood
of a Cloud Migration
Look under the hood of a Cloud Migration At the UKI X4U Customer event on May 15, 2024, we invited three of our customers to share their learning on their journey from on-premises ERP to the Unit4 Cloud: King's College London, University of the West of England, and Buckinghamshire New University. They also discuss their key reasons to make the move, challenges, and the benefits of being in the cloud.

Learn why Cloud migration with Unit4 allows the University of Salford to deliver quality education
After 25 years of partnership with Unit4, the University of Salford decided to embark on their journey to the Cloud. In this short video you can learn:
  • Why the university “didn’t look at any other supplier for moving to the Cloud”
  • How Unit4’s flexible platform allowed them to optimize their unique processes
  • Why streamlining IT management could allow them to focus on other value-adding tasks
Learn more

What do our customers think of the cloud?

Innovative education outcomes - Birmingham Metropolitan College

Discover how Birmingham Metropolitan College uses an innovative, connected finance solution in the cloud to boost educational outcomes.

Read their story here
Student success and savings - Selkirk College

How is Selkirk College transforming student success and making significant savings with their move to the cloud?

Read their story here
The Cloud Business Case - Infographic
Get guidance on building a cloud migration business case and how to make monthly savings of over €18k.

Download now

Higher Ed in high gear - What's changing next?

We ask 3 Unit4 customers for their insights into the future of higher education. In an industry usually considered risk-averse and slow-moving, what's next now that the global pandemic has proven we can move at top speed to make sure our students and staff are safe while still delivering quality education?
Join us in this discussion with The American University of Paris, Birmingham Metropolitan College, and Bow Valley College to discover:
  • How the expectations and experience of work are changing
  • Why agile scenario planning – and replanning – at a moment's notice are critical
  • The new criteria you need to know for cloud, remote access, shared services, and system integration

Interested to learn more?

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