Finance: The new heroes for service-based businesses
We’re living in the Never Normal

How can today’s Office of the CFO provide guidance to navigate the political, financial, and employee turbulence we’re experiencing?
The modern Office of the CFO has moved beyond the back office due to expansion in its functional remit, resulting in unique levels of company-wide awareness, with a foot in the door of every department.
Today’s Office of the CFO is expected to deliver thought leadership with the mindset of an analyst, benchmark and monitor performance objectively, and provide data-driven insights, along with further control and understanding of all company operations through a single lens.
Your firm will increasingly look to you to provide:

Strategic leadership
Back digital transformation projects that give your company the right platform to succeed

Integrated technology
76% of CFO's agree that without “one version of the truth”, the organization will struggle to meet its objectives.

People awareness
The connection between people and financial success
Strategic leadership
In 2023, only 11% of CFOs believed their current business models would be economically viable by the end of the year with 64% saying their companies needed to build new digital business strategies.
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Integrated technology
People awareness

CFOs will help service-based firms to remain agile and profitable, whatever the future throws at them.
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