How resilient is your organization?
Invest in the future by building organizational resilience

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The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
This element is called Video-Left
Please note: this element can also hold an image instead of a video! Simply toggle show Left Video off and Show Left Image on and put in the url to your image under Left Image SRC.
Engaging CTAThis element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA
To be resilient, organizations need to be able to anticipate, prepare for, respond, and adapt to both incremental change and sudden disruptions to survive and prosper.
Find out how resilient your organization is in this quick survey:
Take our survey today
A single source of real-time data is essential for timely, informed decision-making and driving innovation.
- 79% business leaders say legacy systems are a barrier to innovation
- 88% finance leaders don’t have the tools they need to automate repetitive tasks
- 66% organizations do not have the data they need at their fingertips
Outdated, legacy ERP systems that can’t automate time-consuming, manual processes can hinder an organization’s progress and weaken its ability to adapt and recover.

Cultivating talent with the right skills is essential for resilience and flexibility.

Automation, simplification, and data visibility are key as people spend 1/3 of their time on admin.

49% of respondents in a recent McKinsey survey believe tech innovation will have the greatest impact in the next 20 years.
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What does space travel have to do with resilience?
Find out from our CEO as he discusses how failing fast can enable organizations to adapt and scale through testing, learning from mistakes, analyzing the data, and readying teams to start again.

Building Business Resilience, the podcast
Hear what Mickey North-Rizza, Group VP, Enterprise Software at IDC has to say about Building Business Resilience in this podcast with Bryce Wolf, Senior Manager, Industry Solutions at Unit4 as they discuss how organizations must look at their spending and invest wisely to ensure future resilience.
Organizational Resilience: Why it matters and how to improve it
Organizational resilience helps to ensure organizations’ readiness, reliability and flexibility, enabling them to turn risks into opportunities and evolve weaknesses into strengths. To achieve organizational resilience, businesses must nurture their people and take advantage of technology to implement and truly prepare for change.

New perspectives on organizational resilience
To help organizations understand how they can improve their resilience to succeed in this changing world, we’ve commissioned a new white paper analyzing expert commentary on this topic, because we believe organizational resilience must move higher up the agenda for every board. Find the most important findings from the report in our blog.
The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
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The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
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