You can have 2 lines of title here
Please note: If you want 3 lines of title limit the subtext to 2 lines and if you want 4 lines of title limit the subtext to 1 line.
Read moreHoe wendbaar is jouw organisatie?
Investeer in de toekomst door organisatorische veerkracht op te bouwen

Keep your header text short and engaging, you have plenty of room to explain here! Try to balance out the amount of text to match the form on the right. Your text can never be longer than the form but shorter is not a problem. Ask CREATIVE for a nice image to fill up the white space and be sure to share the url to your page so they know what size the image has to be.
This is a bulletpoint, we encourage you to use whenever you can as it helps the visitor scan the page. Maximum 2 lines of text per bullet!
This element is called General Text 1 after form and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency

This element is called Video-Left
Please note: this element can also hold an image instead of a video! Simply toggle show Left Video off and Show Left Image on and put in the url to your image under Left Image SRC.
Engaging CTAThis element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA
Om veerkrachtig te zijn, moeten organisaties in staat zijn om te anticiperen, zich voor te bereiden, te reageren en zich aan te passen aan zowel stapsgewijze veranderingen als plotselinge verstoringen om te kunnen blijven groeien.
Ontdek hoe veerkrachtig jouw organisatie is in deze korte survey:
vul de mini enquête in
Eén enkele bron van real-time data is essentieel voor tijdige, geïnformeerde besluitvorming en het stimuleren van innovatie.
- 79% van de ondervraagde organisaties zegt dat legacy-systemen een belemmering vormen voor innovatie
- 88% van de ondervraagde financiële leiders zegt niet de tools te hebben die nodig zijn om repetitieve taken te automatiseren
- 66% van de organisaties heeft de data die ze nodig hebben niet binnen handbereik
Verouderde ERP-systemen die tijdrovende, handmatige processen niet kunnen automatiseren, kunnen de vooruitgang van een organisatie belemmeren en groei in de weg staan.

business leaders say legacy systems are a barrier to innovation

finance leaders don’t have the tools they need to automate repetitive tasks

Organizations do not have the data they need at their fingertips

Het cultiveren van talent met de juiste vaardigheden is essentieel voor veerkracht en flexibiliteit.

Automatisering, vereenvoudiging en inzichtelijkheid van data is essentieel omdat mensen 1/3 van hun tijd besteden aan administratie.

49% van de respondenten in een recent McKinsey-onderzoek gelooft dat technologische innovatie de grootste impact zal hebben in de komende 20 jaar.
What do our customers say?
"Unit4 has been a great partner for many years and Business World [Unit4 ERP] has delivered strong operational benefits. Moving to the cloud has made us even more streamlined and effective and has allowed us to take advantage of improving technology faster."
Mary Kent, Head of IT Programmes, Magnox
This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
- Text 4
- Text 5
- Text 6
- Text 7
- Text 8
- Text 9
- Text 10
- Text 11
- Text 12
Your firm will increasingly look to you to provide:
Business as usual despite constant change at COOR
Helping this fast growing business to swiftly absorb acquisitions and change to maintain “business as usual” for its customers
This element is called 2-Cards
Keep this bodytext short! Only a couple of lines should go here..
CTA 2This element is called General Text 3 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 1-Card
Keep this bodytext short! Only a couple of lines should go here..
CTA 1This element is called General Text 1 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 2 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 4 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
Wat heeft ruimtereizen te maken met veerkracht?
Onze CEO bespreekt hoe snel falen organisaties in staat kan stellen zich aan te passen en op te schalen door te testen, van fouten te leren, de gegevens te analyseren en teams klaar te maken om opnieuw te beginnen.

Veerkracht van bedrijven opbouwen, de podcast
Luister naar wat Mickey North-Rizza, Group VP, Enterprise Software bij IDC te zeggen heeft over Building Business Resilience in deze podcast met Bryce Wolf, Senior Manager, Industry Solutions bij Unit4. Ze bespreken hoe organisaties naar hun uitgaven moeten kijken en verstandig moeten investeren om veerkracht in de toekomst te garanderen.
People awareness

CFOs will help service-based firms to remain agile and profitable, whatever the future throws at them.
Discover how Unit4 can help you to do it:

Forrester report:
Learn from the experts how to make the Business Case for replacing an on-premises ERP with a new SaaS-based solution. This Forrester report “Quantifying the Business Value of SaaS DOP Investments” examines the full case for SaaS – across all domains from cost to value added and its ability to offer improved innovation and agility.
The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
This is element is called Quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias officia iste nemo nobis inventore veritatis earum error, voluptatibus voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen.
Download now
This element is called General Text 8 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

Magnox customer story “Life before and after ERP”
Mary Kent, Head of IT Programmes at Magnox walks us through how they used Unit4 ERP to help streamline operations across ten nuclear sites.
This element is called General Text 9 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 10 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

Strategic leadership
Only 11% of CFOs believe their current business models will be economically viable through 2023, and 64% say their companies need to build new digital business strategies to help them get there. Take our self-assessment survey and discover your level or organizational resilience Enhancing Collaboration Between HR and the Office of Finance Self Assessment Survey - Ventana Research
Forward-thinking CFOs must be the catalyst for these changes, and back digital transformation projects that give their company the right platform to succeed.

Integrated technology
Tech-savvy CFOs invest in tools that deliver unmatched insight and control of company operations – and 76% agree that without “one version of the truth”, the organization will struggle to meet its objectives.
Seeing the whole business through the lens of finance, the Office of the CFO can help the whole company quickly understand its performance and produce better results, keep closer tabs on both project completion and people performance and engagement, ensure projects are delivered on time, and provide the reporting accuracy and insight your board and investors need to drive the business forward.

People awareness
They are therefore willing to invest in People Experience to recruit, retain, and grow a digitally-empowered workforce, create a “finance first” culture that helps people understand how their actions impact the bottom line, and help free up people’s time through the automation of core processes.
CFOs will help service-based firms to remain agile and profitable, whatever the future throws at them.
Discover how Unit4 can help you to do it
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
- Text 4
- Text 5
- Text 6
- Text 7
- Text 8
- Text 9
- Text 10
- Text 11
- Text 12
The complete picture of the CFO’s new role Qvantel’s journey with Unit4
Be inspired by Kaj Wikström, CFO at Qvantel, sharing the company’s experiences of their move to a unified cloud ERP with Unit4. He shares their story of how rapid global growth called for a new way of working, challenges on the way, but also their achievements so far – and how Unit4 provided a solution that drives operational efficiency and visibility for the whole business.

This element is called General Text 12 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

Value vs Price – understanding the value and outcomes of SaaS ERP
A SaaS ERP solution can help you provide all 3 of the key perspectives of a modern CFO. But making the case for it requires you to be able to quantify the value of this investment. This blog from Sridhar Parameshwaran, Unit4’s VP of Value Engineering, will help you to understand the investment, how you can assess the full value of your solution, and how you can make a business case for this kind of solution.
This element is called General Text 13 and this is the title in H4
WThis is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called General Text 14 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 1-Card
Keep this bodytext short! Only a couple of lines should go here..
CTA 1This element is called General Text 15 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 3 Cards, max 3 lines of title go here
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 8 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 16 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 17 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called 4 Cards, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 18 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
The Challenge
STANLEY Security, a division of Stanley Black & Decker, offers innovative solutions for safety and fire protection. Growing rapidly in Sweden, the company needed greater visibility into its business operations to make accurate and fast business decisions.

- Professional Services
- 30 locations
- 800 employees
- Based in Sweden
How Did Unit4 Help?
- Broad capabilities and new processes led to fewer systems needed to manage finance
- Centralized reporting for project visibility
- More comprehensive project reporting for better decision-makingn
- One system for time registration and transactions for follow-up, invoicing and salaries
- Mobile time sheets for field staff
- Easy upgrading for cost-efficiency
This is element is called Quote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestias officia iste nemo nobis inventore veritatis earum error, voluptatibus voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen voluptatum eius ipsa, repellen.
Download now
This element is called General Text 19 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 20 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!

This element is called 4-Articles, max 3 lines of title
Keep this text short and sweet, a maximum of 5 lines of text would be ideal. Just an introduction will do!
This element is called General Text 21 and this is the title in H4
This is an example of general body text. You can make the text in this element center aligned if you so choose, remember to not use center aligned text for longer pieces of text as this makes it harder to read. You can also change the background color of this element to make it stand out more!
- Text 1
- Text 2
- Text 3
- Text 4
- Text 5
- Text 6
- Text 7
- Text 8
- Text 9
- Text 10
- Text 11
- Text 12
This element is called Video-Right
Please note: this element can also hold an video instead of an image! Simply toggle Show Right Image off and show Right Video on and put in the url to your video under Right Video Source.
Engaging CTA

This element is called Video-Left
Please note: this element can also hold an image instead of a video! Simply toggle show Left Video off and Show Left Image on and put in the url to your image under Left Image SRC.
Engaging CTAMeer informatie?
Vul het onderstaande formulier in en we nemen contact met je op.