The 'Little Things' bundle offers enhancements within your system that do-away with lengthy process setups and the high costs associated with implementation - all designed to give you a simple, hassle-free way to make your solution work better for you. On this page, we want to tell you all about the bundle and the value it can bring to your organization - watch our demos or download the factsheets to find out more.
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Read moreEasy Access to accurate data
Explore, analyze and visualize your financial data with Analyzer for unit4 Business World.
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Read moreGa de uitdagingen van jouw organisatie aan met Smart Automation
Lees IDC’s nieuwe Infobrief over Smart Automation nu
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Unit4 ERPx and pandemic performance showcased in new IDC Market Note
Ontdek hoe service gerichte bedrijven intelligente automatiseringstechnologie kunnen omarmen om aan de nieuwe verwachtingen van de klant te voldoen, betere bedrijfsresultaten te leveren dankzij betere prestaties en productiviteit van hun personeel mogelijk te maken op verschillende afdelingen.
Dienstverlenende bedrijven hebben te maken met een crisis in productiviteit en transparantie. Sleutelfiguren merken dat ze geen toegevoegde waarde bieden, omdat veel van hun tijd verloren gaat aan handmatige administratieve taken en de besluitvorming vindt vaak plaats in een omgeving waar mensen geen duidelijk beeld hebben van relevante gegevens, wat leidt tot interne conflicten.Er is echter een technologische oplossing welke jouw bedrijf kan helpen deze uitdagingen aan te gaan. In hun meest recente Infobrief schetst IDC hoe slimme automatisering zowel de administratieve last van mensen kan wegnemen als ervoor kan zorgen dat ze altijd over de gegevens beschikken die ze nodig hebben om beslissingen te nemen en daar zonder vertraging naar kunnen handelen.
Lees deze nieuwe editie en leer:
- Hoe zakelijke prioriteiten verschuiven om te voldoen aan de post-COVID-realiteit.
- Hoe je proces- en personeelstekorten belemmeringen vormen voor het behalen van de gemeenschappelijke doelstellingen voor dienstverlenende bedrijven.
- Voorbeelden van Smart Automation welke helpen bij het overwinnen van barrières op elke afdeling van jouw organisatie.
Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement.
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void. That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and microservice-architecture-based platforms may seem a step too far. Like it or not, technology is moving forward, and the Everything as a Service (XaaS) economy holds more opportunities for NFPs than barriers. Many of the wider challenges mentioned above can be overcome with these solutions. And platform maturity has significantly reduced the risk of IT/digital investment.
The smart way to share knowledge and impove compliance
The freedom to define and capture all your information in one solution
Dynamic forms
The easiest way to boost your productivity and eliminate paper-
Extract critical insights about your business
Access to accurate data is critical to making fast, fact-based decisions in your business.
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system.
Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
Save time for your users.
Make it easy to perform daily tasks.
With Workspaces, your users no longer have to browse through multiple windows and menus to find the information that they need.
You can design multiple dedicated spaces for each Business World user, grouping all the data that they need in one window and providing a single place for them to view their most important KPls and perform their daily tasks.
Below are some examples of how your users can benefit from Workspaces, based on roles and requirements.
Save time for your users.
Make it easy to perform daily tasks.
With Workspaces, your users no longer have to browse through multiple windows and menus to find the information that they need.
You can design multiple dedicated spaces for each Business World user, grouping all the data that they need in one window and providing a single place for them to view their most important KPls and perform their daily tasks.
Below are some examples of how your users can benefit from Workspaces, based on roles and requirements.
Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement.
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void. That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and microservice-architecture-based platforms may seem a step too far. Like it or not, technology is moving forward, and the Everything as a Service (XaaS) economy holds more opportunities for NFPs than barriers. Many of the wider challenges mentioned above can be overcome with these solutions. And platform maturity has significantly reduced the risk of IT/digital investment.
Turbo boost your ERP engine with ERPx
Discover how these and other differences help give your people more freedom and power to do more than ever. Watch our explainer video below, where we’ll take you through what exactly is under the hood of ERPx.
Watch the Analyzer demo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
Call to actionWatch the Analyzer demo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
Call to actionWatch the Analyzer demo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
Call to actionWorkspaces Facts
Learn more about the Workspaces concept, how Workspaces work and how your users can benefit from the solution in this 2-page factsheet.
Download nowExtract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
“Unit4 rethought the ERP platform in the 2013–2014 time frame, and the result is the Unit4 People Platform, one of the most—if not the most—modern and complete EAP platforms covered in this Market Overview.”
Quote from the Constellation Report
Extract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
Sehen Sie sich das Unit4 On-Demand-Webinar „Werttreiberbasierte Planung“ an.
Extract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
Watch the Analyzer demo
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts,
Contact us nowWatch the Analyzer demo
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts,
Contact us nowEmerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities.
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void. That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void. That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
Whitepaper: Hervorragende Performance für Professional-Services-Organisationen – auch in unsicheren Zeiten
Zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 hätten wohl nur wenige von uns vorhersehen können, welche tiefgreifenden geopolitischen, gesundheitspolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen in den nachfolgenden Monaten noch auf uns zukommen würden.
Im zweiten Quartal sah die Welt bereits ganz anders aus. Das Coronavirus (COVID-19) machte das Konzept des „Social Distancing“ zu einem entscheidenden Ansatz für das langfristige Fortbestehen der Menschheit.
In der Geschäftswelt gestaltet sich die Umsetzung dieses Konzepts unter Umständen noch etwas schwieriger. In vielen Märkten, wie z.B. im Bereich Professional Services (PS), sind Unternehmen jedoch grundsätzlich besser darauf vorbereitet, Beratungstätigkeiten aus der Ferne durchzuführen und somit das Verbreitungspotenzial des Virus zu reduzieren.
In diesem Executive Whitepaper analysiert und erläutert SPI Research einige der Bereiche, in denen Professional-Services-Organisationen (PSOs) ihre Performance in unserer im Wandel befindlichen Welt verbessern können, und gibt klare Empfehlungen für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft.
It’s important that we adopt a twin-track approach to technology: get the investment foundation right while experimenting with digital technologies that can make a difference.
Whitepaper: Hervorragende Performance für Professional-Services-Organisationen – auch in unsicheren Zeiten
Zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 hätten wohl nur wenige von uns vorhersehen können, welche tiefgreifenden geopolitischen, gesundheitspolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen in den nachfolgenden Monaten noch auf uns zukommen würden.
Im zweiten Quartal sah die Welt bereits ganz anders aus. Das Coronavirus (COVID-19) machte das Konzept des „Social Distancing“ zu einem entscheidenden Ansatz für das langfristige Fortbestehen der Menschheit.
In der Geschäftswelt gestaltet sich die Umsetzung dieses Konzepts unter Umständen noch etwas schwieriger. In vielen Märkten, wie z.B. im Bereich Professional Services (PS), sind Unternehmen jedoch grundsätzlich besser darauf vorbereitet, Beratungstätigkeiten aus der Ferne durchzuführen und somit das Verbreitungspotenzial des Virus zu reduzieren.
In diesem Executive Whitepaper analysiert und erläutert SPI Research einige der Bereiche, in denen Professional-Services-Organisationen (PSOs) ihre Performance in unserer im Wandel befindlichen Welt verbessern können, und gibt klare Empfehlungen für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft.
Die für dieses Whitepaper verwendeten Daten stammen von 339 Beratungsunternehmen aus technologiebezogenen Bereichen wie Management- und IT-Beratung, Software und SaaS-Professional Services.
Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement, so they all need investigating, but we also need to get the
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void.
That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI)
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