The 'Little Things' bundle offers enhancements within your system that do-away with lengthy process setups and the high costs associated with implementation - all designed to give you a simple, hassle-free way to make your solution work better for you. On this page, we want to tell you all about the bundle and the value it can bring to your organization - watch our demos or download the factsheets to find out more.

Zmiana = rozwój
O potencjale zmian
i sposobach na ich wykorzystanie.
Rejestracja na wydarzenie: ONLINE
30 września 2021 | 11:00 - 15:30

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5 sposobów na skuteczny
w sieciach sprzedaży
i placówkach usługowych
Wydarzenie odbyło się 22 lipca | godzina 12:00

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5 zasad skutecznego leadershipu w sieciach sprzedaży i placówkach usługowych
22 lipca, godzina 12:00

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You can have 2 lines of title here
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Zmiana = rozwój
To śmiałe stwierdzenie będzie motywem przewodnim naszej hybrydowej konferencji zaplanowanej na 30 września.
Wraz z ekspertami z dziedziny zarządzania, HRu, psychologii i oprogramowania dla biznesu, będziemy rozmawiać o potencjale zmian i sposobach na ich wykorzystanie.
W trakcie wydarzenia pozmawiamy o tym:
✔️Jak nieodzowne zmiany uczynić okazją do rozwoju? Czy istnieją sprawdzone sposoby i narzędzie, które mogą to równanie uczynić prawdziwym?
✔️W jaki sposób pracować ze sobą i z innymi w sytuacji zmiany?
✔️Jak popłynąć na falach, a nie być źródłem sztormu w zespole?
✔️Jak tworzyć nowoczesne narzędzia wspierające biznes?
✔️Jakie narzędzia umożliwiają zwinność w dostosowaniu zarządzania do zmian w przepisach prawa?
Cieszymy się, że dołączysz do nas podczas konferencji.
Wypełniając formularz decydujesz się na udział online.
Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement.
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void. That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and microservice-architecture-based platforms may seem a step too far. Like it or not, technology is moving forward, and the Everything as a Service (XaaS) economy holds more opportunities for NFPs than barriers. Many of the wider challenges mentioned above can be overcome with these solutions. And platform maturity has significantly reduced the risk of IT/digital investment.
The smart way to share knowledge and impove compliance
The freedom to define and capture all your information in one solution
Dynamic forms
The easiest way to boost your productivity and eliminate paper-

Greg Albrecht
Doradca zarządów, anioł biznesu i partner w NxtGen Angels, założyciel Albrecht&PartnersProwadzi executive coaching, founder mentoring i projekty optymalizacji biznesu w obszarze przywództwa i strategii wzrostu. Realizuje globalne projekty mentoringowe dla startupów w ramach Google for Startups, Google PeopleLab i Youth Business Poland.
Wydaje wiodący podcast biznesowy „Greg Albrecht Podcast – Wszystkie Twarze Biznesu” oraz Business Unlimited Newsletter subskrybowany przez tysiące liderów z Polski i zagranicy. Laureat konkursu „50 Najbardziej Kreatywnych Ludzi w Biznesie 2019” Magazynu Brief. Autor programu rozwojowego online „Skuteczny Lider w 7 krokach”.

Katarzyna Jaśniewicz
Product Menadżerka Teta HR w Unit4 Polska
Menadżerka, analityczka i współtwórczyni systemów informatycznych wspomagających zarządzanie kapitałem ludzkim. Autorka licznych artykułów z zakresu digitalizacji oraz optymalizacji procesów biznesowych. Entuzjastka pracy zespołowej oraz innowacyjnych rozwiązań.

Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement.
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void. That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and microservice-architecture-based platforms may seem a step too far. Like it or not, technology is moving forward, and the Everything as a Service (XaaS) economy holds more opportunities for NFPs than barriers. Many of the wider challenges mentioned above can be overcome with these solutions. And platform maturity has significantly reduced the risk of IT/digital investment.

Dyrektorka HR na CEE w Unit4 Polska
Autorka popularnego bloga o tematyce HR-owej Zawodowo ma na koncie pracę na stanowiskach kierowniczych i dyrektorskich w takich firmach jak IBM, HP czy Techland. Aktualnie stoi na czele HR w Unit4. Ludzie są dla niej ważni. Pracuje po to, żeby byli częścią czegoś mądrego. Co działa, żyje i rośnie – jak jej dwie córki.

Watch the Analyzer demo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
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Watch the Analyzer demo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
Call to action
Watch the Analyzer demo lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts, heatmaps, or drill down into the details, giving you access to the right insights and consistent reporting.
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Workspaces Facts
Learn more about the Workspaces concept, how Workspaces work and how your users can benefit from the solution in this 2-page factsheet.
Download nowExtract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
“It’s important that we adopt a twin-track approach to technology: get the investment foundation right while experimenting with digital technologies that can make a difference.”
Persons Name
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Extract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
Extract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
Extract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.
Watch the Analyzer demo
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts,
Contact us nowWatch the Analyzer demo
With Analyzer for Unit4 Business World, your organization can explore, analyze and visualize all financial data from across your ERP system. Analyzer is a simple to use tool that helps you and your users turn data into charts,
Contact us now

Extract critical insights about your business
With the increasing rise of technology, many charities are feeling left behind or in the dark on how technology can help them enhance the speed, efficiency and impact of their operations. This applies to both larger charities who are fighting slow and out-dated legacy processes, and smaller charities trying to break through with limited resources and tight budgets. Across the sector as a whole, not-for-profit organisations find themselves competing with the commercial sector for top digital talent to remain relevant, innovative and impactful in the digital age.

Photo: Rob Gethen Smith
Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement, so they all need investigating, but we also need to get the
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void.
That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI)
Emerging technologies offer a wealth of opportunities to improve social impact and stakeholder engagement, so they all need investigating, but we also need to get the
For most not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, thinking about investment in emerging digital technologies is a luxury. Many NFPs are still struggling with some basic, hefty challenges in this area: lack of investment, IT obsolescence and the technology leadership void.
That’s without even mentioning the wider sector challenges of declining trust, increasing competition for funding and engagement, alongside heightened regulation. So, even thinking about technologies like artificial intelligence (AI)

Photo: Rob Gethen Smith
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