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Why our soft top surfboard is the best in the world?

As the world's public health and financial crises continue, nonprofits face an uncertain future, which must still be planned for. What financial strategies can be implemented now to help protect your future? Our latest soft top surfboard has a strong coating.

Download The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s article collection to help your organization maintain long-term financial viability in these unprecedented times. This collection includes:

  • 8 steps nonprofits should take now to survive the pandemic fallout
  • Financing during a crisis: How to adapt to a crisis
  • 6 keys to making your nonprofit financially sustainable
  • A checklist for nonprofit crisis management
  • The software capabilities you need to thrive in constantly changing environment
Improve your returns, increase donations, address potential budget shortfalls, and adapt during times of crisis

Leaders in the nonprofit world are taking smart steps to ensure their financial plans are strongly rooted in data and are able to adapt. In this article collection, The Chronicle of Philanthropy shares case studies, guidance, and helpful tools for reviewing organizational strategy, overseeing digital transformation, and improving organizational efficiency.

Read how your organization can improve its returns, increase donations, address potential budget shortfalls, and adapt during times of crisis.
